Initial Topic Ideas

In this class, I am considering doing the following paranormal topics:

Amityville: The story of the Lutz family who suddenly left a house due to paranormal activities: moving furniture, hallucinations, unexplainable noises and more. Some speculate that these events happened because the previous family who lived before them suffered a tragedy. I choose this story because it covers the topics of the existence of evil spirits and superstitions.

Barney and Betty Hill Abduction Story: The Hills’ story was the first reported story of alien abduction. They described that these aliens have abducted them and they woke up 35 miles from their previous location with no recollection of how they ended up there. After their abduction, they displayed some abnormal behavior and drew their experiences. I choose this story because not only because of the alien abductions, but the US Air Force has picked up a flying object on their radar when the abduction had occurred.

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